Scommesse Non-Abbinate
The Scommesse Non-Abbinate window is only shown when there are unmatched bets on the market that is currently loaded. When rolled up in the Barra Informazioni Principale the header displays the number of unmatched bets.
When expanded the window displays all of the unmatched bets.
Changing the Odds
In order to change the odds of an individual unmatched bet you can:
Click in the Riquadro Quote and type the new odds in
Click in the Riquadro Quote and use the up and down arrows on your keyboard
Use the up and down arrows to the side of the Riquadro Quote.
Once you have entered the new odds you then need to click on the Bottone Conferma Cambiamenti to submit the changes. Finally you can also:
Right click over the Riquadro Quote that will bring up the odds menu, which displays the current odds plus the 10 prices either side of the current odds as well as 1.01 and 1000. If you then left click on a new price it will change the odds to the new price and then to submit the change you need to click on the Bottone Conferma Cambiamenti. Alternatively you can right click on a new price and it will immediately submit the changes to the price, thus removing the need to click on the Bottone Conferma Cambiamenti.
Changing the Stake
In order to change the stake of an individual unmatched bet you can click in the Riquadro delle Poste and type in the new stake. Once you have entered the new stake you then need to click on the Bottone Conferma Cambiamenti to submit the changes.
Alternatively, you can right click over the Riquadro delle Poste which will bring up the Menu Poste. If you then left click on a new stake it will change the stake and to submit the change you then need to click on the Bottone Conferma Cambiamenti. Alternatively you can right click on a new stake and it will immediately submit the changes to the stake, thus removing the need to click on the Bottone Conferma Cambiamenti.
Changing the Bet Persistence
In order to change the Persistence of an individual unmatched bet you click on the Bottone Persistenza Scommessa and then the Bottone Conferma Cambiamenti.
When the market goes In-Gara cancel the unmatched bet
When the market goes In-Gara change the unmatched bet to a Keep bet
When the market goes In-Gara change the unmatched bet to a Take SP bet
To cancel an individual unmatched bet you click on the Bottone Cancella.
When a change is made to either the odds or the stake the numbers will change to red as will the Profittoto/Responsabilità/Ritorno Lordo figure so as to indicate a change has been made but not yet submitted.
It should be noted that it is not possible to submit changes to both the odds and the stake of an individual unmatched bet at the same time.
Menu Opzioni
By right clicking on the header it brings up the various options for this window.
Scommesse Non-Abbinate window floating with Opzioni clic tasto destro
Info Scommessa - turns the Info Scommessa for all unmatched bets on/off
Pannello Singolo - turns the Scommesse Non-Abbinate window into a Pannello Singolo rather than separate Punta and Banca sections
Intestazione Colonne - turns the Intestazione Colonne on/off
Separatori Scommessa - turns the separators between the unmatched bets on/off
Selezione Gruppi Senza Separatori - groups unmatched bets by selezione but without Separatore Selezione (order dependent upon the sort used on the Ladder/Griglia)
Selezione Gruppi Con Separatori - groups unmatched bets by selezione with Separatore Selezione (order dependent upon the sort used on the Ladder/Griglia)
Ordina - Left clicking one of the sub menus sorts in expected order. Right clicking sorts in reverse.
Data Piazzamento - sorts by the time the bets were placed
Selezione, Data Piazzamento - sorts by the selezione (order dependent upon the sort used on the Ladder/Griglia) and then by the time the bets were placed
Selezione, Prezzo - sorts by the selezione (order dependent upon the sort used on the Ladder/Griglia) and then by the Prezzo of the bets
Cambia Persistenza Scommessa
Cancella Tutto - all unmatched bets to cancel when the market is turned In-Gara
Tieni Tutto - changes all unmatched bets to Keep bets when the market is turned In-Gara
Prendi tutte le QI - changes all unmatched bets to SP bets when the market is turned In-Gara
Cancella Tutte le Scommesse - cancels all unmatched bets
Cancella Tutte le Scomm. in Punta - cancels all unmatched Back bets
Cancella Tutte le Scomm. in Banca - cancels all unmatched Lay bets